Defection of prince Charles Amadi to APC

Today the 31st of janurary 2015 marked the begining of the great things God Almighty planed  to do in ikeduru come 2015 election since the political iroko,the son of the soil,a great mobilizer, the shaker and mover of the people in ikeduru politice prince Charles Amadi moved with his group too numereous to mention from pdp to apc. The people of ikeduru were all drunk with joy unexplainable, the biggest catch since the history of lmo state politics. Ikeduru people witnessed the greatest tsunami of people into his country home in Eziama where prince &princess Charles Amadi hosted the people with plenty to drink and eat. This is  the Lord\’s doing,it is a good sign for the ikeduruians to role out their drums for celebration when our  performing governor Owelle Rochas and all the apc candidates will mount the sit of honour after 2015 election. Apc Change! Apc Change! ! # change is the only thing the people are longing for and that change already has started in ikeduru.    # OWELLE ROCHAS ANAYO #PRINCE EZE MADUMERE# ticket is change unbeatable. Please vote all apc candidates from the state to presidential GMB AND PYO# may God Bless the lmolites amen




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