Years ago, an American evangelist Robert Schuller, once wrote a book titled \” Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do \” I am sure everybody in life has once upon a time experience a difficult, rough or tough moments. The good news about tough and difficult situations are that they dont last what normally last is people who have decided resolutely to face their tough time with hope.
The book of 2 corithians chapter 4 verse 18 put it this way \”So we fix our eyes not on what is seen,but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal\”. That means no matter how discouraging a situation may be at the moment it will not last. Sometimes tough times may look as if it has lingered for such a time, never mind, don\’t be defined by your tough time rather recreate your own environment to suit your purpose. Do not allow people to know and address you by your tough time rather let them celebrate you by your tough resolution in solving your tough time.
Necessity is the mother of invention they say, it is when things are really difficult that people now work harder to improve upon their prayer lives, they will now make out time to study the word of God then begin to search deeper into hidden things like given themselves to knowledge, then they may want to discover skills and talent perhaps going into using their ability to recreate things around them which was ignored. Nothing good comes easy and no life is problem free only the indolent will want to seek for a problem free life which actually does not exist.
Never surrounder yourlife to the challenges that beguiles you for it is a passing phase. When Job was faced with a terrible and naging problems he was in control of his situation even when his friends came to commisorate with him him, he called them unreliabe friends whose advices are more of a torment than of a soothing counsel. Paul the apostle was able to contol the gnawing thorn in his flesh, these are people of like passion as you are, so I\’m sure you can be incharge of what ever tough time you face looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith.
God\’s grace is sufficient for you against the fury darths of the enemy, why are you hidding under the use of alcohol,or drugs or any form of negative influence to combat your difficulties, has the pressure of life pummel you that you think all hopes are lost?That\’s a lie from the pit of hell ignore the devil and turn to God with God all things are possible, pray to God… Let your supplications be made known unto Him. Pray always for a fervent prayer of the righteous availath much. Every end is a new beginning and tough times are fleeting shadows. Refuse to quit because quiters do not win and winners do not quit!