According to the psalmist,\”Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous and enviabel) is the man who walk and lives   not in the counsel of the ungodly (following their advice, their plans and purpose)..   But his delight and desire are in the law  ( the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of the Lord)  he habitually meditates (ponders and studies) by day and night…. And everything he does shall prosper (and come to maturity). (Psalm 1:1-3)Amp.   In this book of psalm 1. The psalmist tried to project two different people here with two different life styles. 

One is a man that\’s blessed, happy and fortunate and can be envied because of his prosperity due to his decisions not to go by the advice of the ungodly person(s) rather he takes solence in the word of \”God meditating therein day and night. This book of the law shall not depart from your  mouth,  but you shall read (and mediate on) it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything in accordance with all that is written in it\”…..(Joshua 1:8).

\”The wicked (those who live in disobedience to God\’s law)  are not so but they are like the chaff (worthless and without substance) which the winds blows away\”.(Psalm 1:4). Meaning that A scornful, negative and a cynical person who does not care about his way of life rather lives a wicked and callous life, he is likened to a tree with a shalow roots which the wind blows down  and it  withers during the dry season because he has no true source of nourishment to sustain its life.

Any person that follows the way of Christ is likened to a tree planted near a steady supply of water whose leaves does not wither rather it produces fruits both in season and out of season,  Therefore the man who is blessed last in time of drought and does not need to fear of  any scarcity. While the man who lives his life out side God is blown away by any kind of wind,  nothing he does prospers because he has no staying power nothing truly satisfies him.

The lesson here actually is for you to draw your strength from God Almighty, when you embrace God and the things of God, it\’s like a seed planted on grand which produces much more fruits. Now on whose side do you belong to? To be truly successful in all endeavour  does not lie in what a person accomplishes only as a material gain but also your richiness towards God  and the things of God… As we enter into the month of \”Ember\” Months evaluate your self so far, where are you planted?  Fight a good fight of faith and hold unto the Lord and live right. Wishing you the best of God\’s divine blessings all thru the month of September and beyond in Jesus name Amen. Happy New month 

Cheers!  Blessing .

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