I waited patiently for the Lord\’s help;

    then he listened to me and heard my cry.

He pulled me out of a dangerous pit,

    out of the deadly quicksand.

He set me safely on a rock

    and made me secure.

He taught me to sing a new song,

    a song of praise to our God.

Many who see this will take warning

    and will put their trust in the Lord.

Happy are those who trust the Lord,

    who do not turn to idols

    or join those who worship false gods.

You have done many things for us, O Lord our God;

    there is no one like you!

    You have made many wonderful plans for us.

I could never speak of them all—( Psalm 40:1-5)

    their number is so great! (Psalm 40;1-5) This is the praises and the songs of appreciation that comes from a heart full of gratitude to God Most time we fixed our eyes on what we have not received forgetting God\’s numerous mercies and goodness to us there by making God a liar. Are you perturbed of the challengs you\’re facing now forgetting the favour of the past?  Satan is knocking at the door of your heart.  Please do not open to him because his entrance will set you backward because John 10;10 says the devil comes not but to steal, to kill and to destroy, and that\’s all the devil\’s mission in the life of as many as may allow him in  their life and that is way the Bible’s many sweet and powerful promises about how to deal with the devil swiftly is in : “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). … In a  very practical ways, how do we resist the devil as children of God? 

The devil is very cunning and persistently subtle , in the book of Genesis\’ 3:1-5 how in a very quiet time when the woman was lonlely and perhaps carried away by the cares of her environment not being alert to her spiritual inclination just allowing earthly care to dominate her thought that ways why no resistance from her against the devil having not heard from him before and she never minded whose voice she was listening to, the devi is  \”cunning animal that the Lord God had made. The snake asked the woman, “Did God really tell you not to eat fruit from any tree in the garden?”

“We may eat the fruit of any tree in the garden,” the woman answered, “except the tree in the middle of it. God told us not to eat the fruit of that tree or even touch it; if we do, we will die.”

The snake replied, “That\’s not true; you will not die. God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God<sup class=\”footnote\” value=\”[a]\” style=\”line-height: 0;\”> and know what is good and what is bad.” 

It matters in life whose voice you listen to and whose story you may believe. It is very crucial in your obedient to God\’s commandments if you must go far as a child of God 

In the book of Isaiah 53;1-3 it was reported thus; “Who would have believed what we now report?    Who could have seen the Lord\’s hand in this? 

It was will of the Lord that his servant

    grow like a plant taking root in dry ground.

He had no dignity or beauty

    to make us take notice of him.

There was nothing attractive about him,

    nothing that would draw us to him.

We despised him and rejected him;

The choice is yours actually to make up your mind and rejoice always to have a heart of gratitude to God all the time so that you don\’t leave your mind fallow making it a breeding ground for the devil to operate be grateful to God and Sing songs of praise to Him with a merry heart. Cheers! 

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