SKINCARE~ Natural Alternative To Everyday Beauty.

Tips: Pigmentation and Blemishes.

Are you worried about Pigmentation and Blemishes on your skin? There are homemade masks that can give you succour. Do you really take advantage of this lockdown to pamper and pay good attention to your face because a long time of neglect due to busy schedules in the past before covid-19 pandemic most have affected our face somehow

Are you practicing your skincare routine diligently and accurately while in quarantine period, Now governments all over the world are relaxing the economic lockdown, people are bound to go back to their usual life style neglecting their skin due to hustling and bustling of everyday life.

The lockdown actually offered us lots of chance to have pampered our skin mostly with DIY concoction since to replace the commercial cosmetic sold at the stores became difficult. The use of natural beauty products turned out to be very refreshing, cheap, easy to get and rewarding.

During the lockdown, we noticed that the rate of air pollution was reduced and their bad effect on human skin was almost zero as such our skin enjoyed less irritants that are enduced by the free radicals that damages the skin and caused age spot, sun spot and other Pigmentation due to the UVA and The UVB Ray\’s of the sun.

The economy is bouncing back to normalcy, we must be wary of exposure to those elements that causes hardship to our skin that triggers Pigmentation and Blemishes.


Pigmentation is a common irritant that occurs when you expose your self to sun and the temperature of the sun becomes high to produce melanin which causes an uneven skin tone or dark patches. There are other causes of Pigmentation like acne scarring, hormonal changes during pregnancy and some other factors.

Blemish is any type of mark, spot, discoloration of flaws that appears on the skin. Blemishes on the face may be emotionally upsetting. It does not impose any treat to life rather can be controlled and treated by using home remedies to reduce or treat the appearance of Blemishes.

Blemishes are caused by bacteria infection, sun exposure, clogged pores and other elements like genetics or medical reasons. However Blemishes are treatable by regular practice of good hygienic habits and patiently following some skincare routine. All these put together will help to eliminate the excess oil, dirt and bacteria causing Blemishes.


(1) Rice mask _ Rice flour has skin lightening properties which work great for sun Burns and acne.

Rice flour

(2) Coffee powder_ coffee works as an exfoliator and it stimulates blood flow while removing skin impurities, leaving your skin bright. It reduces the appearance of dark spot, redness and fine lines. It increases collagen production and the elastin of the skin making skin looks and feels firm. Coffee help the skin to be hydrated and ward off wrinkles and calms the inflamed red skin and enhances the skin texture.


Potato juice_ potato juice came from raw Irish potatoes, you grate your raw potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Do not blend because you may add excess water to it. Potato juice contains an antioxidant, vitamin A&C and very rich nutrients. It has an inflammatory properties that relieves pain from the redness or swelling caused by acne. It brightens the skin and clears Blemishes . It help to fight infections and hydrates skin, it also prevent aging as well as reduce wrinkles on the face.


Honey: For decades, honey has been used for beauty products. Honey is known for it\’s healing properties and it promotes collagen production on the skin. Honey has natural antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Please note that the best honey for beauty products is the raw organic from the bee honey Combs no additives. Honey has high level of antioxidants, it moisturizes and hydrates the skin. The sugar content in honey acts as a natural emollient, it reduces dryness of the skin and clears Blemishes.

Honey Combs

Lemon juice

Lemon juice acts as natural cleanser for the skin, it has high content of vitamin C as such is an antioxidant , help to remove free radicals that can damage the skin cells and clears Pigmentation.


Take a mixing bowl then put 3Tablespoons of Rice flour into the bowl pour 5 tablespoons of boiled water into the mixing bowl and form a paste, allow to cool down before adding other ingredients. Put 1 tablespoon of ground coffee into the rice paste. Add 2 tablespoons of potato juice into it then mix all the ingredients together and stir them vigorously to get a good mixture. Finally add 1 tablespoon of honey to it if you have a dry skin and mix them well or 1 teaspoon of lemon juice if you have oily skin thoroughly mix all together and pour the entire mixture in an airtight jar put in a refrigerator. Make sure your face is well cleanse before you apply on your face with make up brush or your hand. Allow to dry for 30 minutes, wash off and pat dry with face towel and moisturize your face.

Organic cosmetics mostly (DIY) CONCOCTIONS are very effective and better than some of the (acidic) products that are toxic in nature to the skin. It requires patience, persistence and time factor to enjoy it\’s full benefits..

Thanks for being part of our skincare series.

Homemade Remedies for Pigmentation And Blemishes will continue next. Please your comment (s) will encourage us.

By Blessing Onugha

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