Our heart is the engine room of our being. All our feelings and desires in life are  the product of what proceeds out of our heart . No wonder when Jesus was addressing the crowd and the Pharisees witnessed the miracle  He performed in casting away demon from a demon possessed man, they came around to test and  accused Him of casting out demon through some manipulative means  and Jesus answered them 
\”O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things\”. (Matthew 12:34-35).

King David in his confused and repentance to God for his evil did to the house of Uriah and he was accosted by prophet Nathan, he failed on his knee in shame and cried to God in Psalm 51: 10-11 and said

\”Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
[11]Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me\”.

When he realized that it was in his heart he first hatched the idea of committing adultary with Uriah\’s wife he saw the need for a recreated heart.

\”Guard your heart above all else for it determines the course of your life\”.(proverbs 4:23).

When it comes to having a pure heart, many people need serious prayers. A lot of people, while not committing sin physically, do so in their hearts. As far as God is concerned, so you have to be careful what goes in and out of your heart. Jesus said that it is not what goes into the mouth that corrupts but what goes out of it Matthew 15:11 .

Since we also know that it is out of the abundance of the heart that the mouth speaks according to Matthew 12:34.  Then it means that there are certain channels through which things go into the heart to corrupt it.
We must guard our heart diligently to be sure of what goes in and what comes out as such must be careful of what we hear through our ears or what we want to feeds our heart with through our mouth, for the Bible says in  1 Corinthians 15:33        \’Evil communication corrupts good manners….\”  

No matter how good you are, if you keep staying in the company of people who talk dirty, soon your heart will be full of dirt. No matter how holy you are, if you  regularly visit  places where what you see is contradictory to your faith that will be a bad market for you.

You must be careful what goes into your heart through your ear gates Your eyes can get you into trouble also, if you dont control them. Jesus said if you look at a woman with lust, you have already committed adultery Matthew 5:28 .

The internet is another means through which the devil feeds the eyes with corrupt images and ideas these days. Which websites do you visit? Who do you follow on social media? If you want a pure heart, you must keep evil away from your eyes and ears. Feed on the word of God instead.

You must match your faith with works, if you want a pure heart you must go for those things that will encourage purity in your life and stick with it. Be that good man that always stores good treasures in his heart. Thanks for Reading. Remain Blessed. ✍️ BlessingOnugha ❤️

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