
Psalm 107: 8-9 NKJV.

Psalms 107:8 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
Psalms 107:9 For He satisfies the longing soul,
And fills the hungry soul with goodness.

There is rarely true satisfaction without God because human being continuously searching for satisfaction of their desire and if you are Lucky enough you may get satisfaction in one area of your life and find dissatisfaction in another area. The True satisfactions in all areas of ones life is found in the Lord because He alone can satisfy your deepest longings to your satisfaction.

He truly love us unconditionally, He consoles and comfort us when in distress as the Psalmist had declared in psalm 107:9 “For He Satisfies The Longing of our soul and files the Hungary soul with good”.


Life is peaceful when you rest on the promises of God’s Word; for there is nothing on this earth that can truly satisfy. As soon as we get what we want every likelihood you want to get another need met. As soon as you achieve a goal you want to move to another set goal always unsatisfying.


Our God is a giving God, He delight in giving, He always meet needs whether spiritual needs or physical needs His Lovingkindness and His wonderful works are to the Children of men so He keeps on satisfying them on their sincere longing of their thirst and hunger like a deer that pant for water.


“As the deer pants for water so I long for you O God. I thirst for God, The living God. Where can I find Him to come and stand before Him? The psalmist declared in Psalm 42:1-3

Yea, those who thirst and hunger for righteousness the Lord will not forsake, He will quiel their thirst and fill their Hungry soul “He has satisfied the hungry hearts and sent the rich away with empty hands” (Luke 1:53). Yes! Those who feel full of themselves and do not need to be feed or who think they are rich in their eyes and therefore do not lack any thing can not thirst and hunger of any need that is why psalm 107 :18 says “Their Soul detest all manner of food and they draw near unto the gate of death\”

King David said in his gratitude to the provision of the Lord “You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies . You honor me by anointing my head with oil , my cup overflows with blessings “ (Psalm 23:5). That shows how much God can do to a thirsty and hungry soul, He will not only satisfy them, He can go extra miles to assure that their hearts are glad for He delights in their total wellbeing.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power at work within us will satisfy our longing soul and fill our hunger with all manner of goodness above all that we desire and ask for in Jesus name Amen. Shalom!


✍️ Mrs Blessing I N Onugha ❤️

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