There is this generation of high ranking and revere gentle men of God that are causing stirs in the kingdom of God. Where is the old time religion? Has God changed? Is He no longer the BEGINING AND THE END? THE ANCIENT OF DAYS, the I AM That I AM? the One who instructed the anointed men of God in lsaiah 52:11(b) \”touch no unclean things come out from it and be pure you who carry the vessels of the Lord\”. Is it out of place that God admonished them to be steadfast in the service of God \” you who call on the Lord give yourselves no rest and give Him no rest till He establishes the land.. \” What we see now is get rich quick and ignore the very basic principle of God. The great men of God who are diligent in our mist now are the very hard working ones, no time for government apologist, no time hanging arround the government houses ; no time for worldly politics, when they decree a thing it comes to pass like the pastors of the old who were bold to look at the faces of those in authority and declared \” Thus says the Lord \” and people listens and it will be so.
Peter and John were brought before the council of elders and peter spoke so well in defence of the cause they believed in that they were proud to let the Sadducees know that Jesus Christ whom they killed had risen and salvation is found through Him alone and the council where so amazed at their boldness which ordinary men like them who were not educated couldnt have displayed only to realized that they had been companions of Jesus Christ.
The boldness of Stephen when he was dragged to the Synagoque of the freedmen, these are men in authority and men who claimed to have known the law yet Stephen was so bold to face and argued so intelligently that none were able to refute him,his speeches moved so strongly in their hearts that they could no longer face the truth they shamefully covered their ears and screamed….#
When the church started spreeding all over the nation due to heavy persecution of the believers then the beleivers who went to Antioch spreading the good news were called christians due to their Christ-like mien they were good ambassadors of christ preaching the word without fear or favour and conducting themselves in such a manner that people began to respect them because they saw something in them that was not common.
Now with the proliferation of churches and high rising Pastors and Bishops cropping up here and there,each claiming superiority over the other have they really impact positively on the social change which an on looker may see and say of indeed these are true men of God (Christians)
Several happeanings which no pages of any book may contain have been unleashed by these revered gentlemen that many minds are waxing cold there are more confussion than conviction about Jesus Christ (heavenly principles)..
The quest for greed, avarice and showing off tendencies many pastors have become a sale out,clustering arround government houses always dining with any government in power with a large short spoon almost voracious in their appitite that they become vulnerable in the hands of those whose prayers and counselling should have aided in the governance and chiseling off some of the societal wrongs through fevernt prayers which availeth much. This is a case of the captor becoming the captive##Wow! #
These days some of them are so engrossed in politics that they take side, politiking even in a very shameful way abusing and destracting their congregants ; where can we go from here imagine where accusations and counter accusations of 7b naira bribe are strugling to take a center stage causing them talk from both sides of their mouths.# The word of God says Do not accept a bribe for bribe blinds the eyes of the wise…..(deut.16:19(b). Today you hear of a highly placed reverened father soliciting for vote for a particular party openly on the altar with open threat for any opposing opinion, one day you hear of another well respected man of God threatening to excommunicate his commonicant if they fail to present their permanent voter cards (pvc) during the holy comminon; since when does pvc becomes a condition precedence to divine rule?. The same cleric gentle man stressed that church is a business therefore no man of God should be poor. May l humbly ask do we read the same bible? if yes how did the christians of old (apostles) handled their challenges and how did they overcome their worldly pressures..# in the book of Acts of the Apostles chapter 2:44-47.All the beleivers continueed together in close fellowship and shared their property and possession and destributed the money among all according to what each one needed. Day after day they met in the temple and they had their meals together at homes eating with glad heart praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the poeple.
1timothy4:14-15 Do not neglect the spiritual gift that is in you which was given to you when the prophets spoke and the elders laid their hands on you practise those things and devote yourselves to them in order that your progress may be seen by all, watch yourselves and watch your teaching.#1tim6:10-11 says for love of money is a source of all kinds of evil, some have been so eager to have it that they have wandered away from the faith and have broken their hearts with many sorrows….but you men of God avoid all these things, strive for righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and run your best in the race of faith.
2tim 2:4 stipulates that a soilder on active service wants to please his commanding officer…….now our dear pastors and Bishops who is your commanding officer? ##Joshua24:15 where Joshua advised the lsraelites to choose you this day whom ye shall serve. ……but for me and my house we will serve the Lord
Roman1:18-24 God\’s anger is revealed from heaven against all the sins and evil of the people whose evil ways prevent the truth from being known…….they know God but they do not give Him the honour that belongs to Him……..and so God has given those people over to filthy things their heart desire…….#
Some of our pastors have turned to sorcery and divination proclaiming God said…..even in the old testament God warned the lsraelites to deceased from such practice. He said in Deut.18:9-13. Let no one among you practice or learn to imitate the detestable ways of the people by going to meet such as practice sorcery, interprets omen, engage in witchcraft or cast spells……# You can imagine a situation where a respected clergy was cajouling a pigeon to fly so as to determine how favourable the 2015 election will turn out for the incubent president and it was said that the fat bird which represents the president couldnt fly as such his presidential ambition will be a failure.. What a vanity….#Can we say because grace abound and continue in sin?No GOD Forbid##