- \”For God so loved the world that He gave His only begatton Son that who so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlastig life\” (John 3:16). God\’s love is beyond what man can imagine , He just love not minding human frailty because His nature is Love, God is love and He loves us dearly that was why He created man in His image haven created every other creatures non was impacted with God\’s image, ( Genesis 1:26-27 ) Therefore, We ought to exhibit love at all time because we are made in the likeness of God that\’s why the psalmist says \”l said, you are gods you are all sons of the most High God\” (psalm 82:6) Do you know that the reality of God’s love surrounds us day by day, according to his word as revealed in His mercies to us even when we have fallen short of that love He still lift us up in His Love When king David sinned against the house of Uriah and he pretenciously hid his sin thinking he has smartly covered his wrong not knowing that God is omniscent and omnipresence had seen him (2samuel 11:1-25) and his mis behavior displeased God, He sent prophet Nathan to him to admonished him of his wrong doings by telling him a proverb of a rich man who despite all the riches and affluents that surrounds him yet he despised the poor to deprived him of the only thing he had.(2samuel 12:1-13) David heard and repented of his wrong doing God saw the sincerity of his heart when David replied to prophet Nathan \”l have sinned against the Lord\” Nathan replied \”The Lord forgives you, you will not die , But because you have shown such contempt for the Lord in doing this your child will die\” ( 2samuel 12:13-15).
God’s love is steadfast and unchanging
God’s love comforts us
God’s love is revealed to us through Jesus Christ
God’s love is poured into us through the Holy Spirit
God’s love compels us to love one another
Many of us grow up doubting the love of God because of the relationships we have with others. Broken relationships, hurt from others, or even our own bad choices and cause us to doubt why God would choose to love us. Sometimes well-meaning churches even misguide us into thinking that we need to earn God\’s love by behaving or acting \”good enough\”. God demonstrated the greatest act of love when Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. We no longer have to work toward being love, it is given freely for all. God\’s loves conquers all things. Happy Reading