Psalm 136 :1-4 (Amplified Bible).
136:1 O GIVE thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
136:2 O give thanks to the God of gods, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever.
136:3 O give thanks to the Lord of lords, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever–
136:4 To Him Who alone does great wonders, for His mercy and loving-kindness endure forever;
Today was a thanks giving service in my local church in Amaudara , Imo State. Nigeria. My joy was full and complete when my family was called out for a thanks giving I danced like David danced when the ark of God was brought to the place he built for God\’s presence to Tabernacled. My family danced to the altar for a special thank you Lord offering for saving me from the wicked hands of dare devil armed robbers along Lokoja the capital city of kogi state in the North Central geopolitical zone Nigeria early in February 2019.
That fateful day I was driving and ran into the group of men in a road block with army comuflage uniforms. Thinking they are of truth security men but was deceived by their appearance so I stopped when we were asked to stop. All the occupants of the vehicle were asked to surrender all our personal effects and to jump down and ran into the bush, we obeyed and we were lead to the slaughter. I nearly died though the hand of God saved me and delivered and rescued us from their devilish hands
I Rejoice and sing praises unto the Lord for His Mercies Endure from generation to generation; He remains the same and His loving kindness is of sure. I thanked him for when I remembered His goodness on my family I can\’t but say thank you Jesus for restorations.
Please Rejoice and glorify the name of the Lord for my sake for He has done great things and many other numerous things He did for my family for His Mercies Endures forever Amen. Happy Thanksgiving Sunday. Wishing all of you great joy and the fullness of His goodness in this Christmas season amen.
May you have reasons to testify of His loving kindness towards your life in Jesus name 🙏 Cheers ✍️ Blessing I N Onugha 💟