Romans 8:25-31 (TLB)
[25]But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn’t happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.
[26]And in the same way—by our faith—the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words.
[27]And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will.
[28]And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans.
[29]For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to him—and all along he knew who would—should become like his Son, so that his Son would be the First, with many brothers.
[30]And having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory.
[31]What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? If God is on our side, who can ever be against us?
The burden of how to enjoy and attract God\’s goodness actually lies on the capability in you, how much of God\’s promises you know that is yours and what strategies you know how to apply in other to enjoy what freely belongs to you. In other words what\’s your selling point concerning your relationship with God Almighty.
In verse 30 of our Bible reading He said thus~
[And having chosen us, he called us to come to him; and when we came, he declared us “not guilty,” filled us with Christ’s goodness, gave us right standing with himself, and promised us his glory]
What it means He has chosen to declare us \”guiltless\” meaning we are free from all our Evil ways, Our ingratitude, Wicked ways, Inordinate behaviors, All Our lies And those things we did under the cover of darkness thinking nobody will ever know about them, All the gossip, our backsliding and backbiting, cheating and stealing. Wow!!! What a MIGHTY GOD we serve🙌
What else can we say if God is with us who then can be against us. How much of this truth do you know ? Hosea 4:6 says
\”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation] have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no priest to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children\”.
Our problem is ignorant of what we have and this is because our adversary satan does not want us to inherit what rightly belongs to us as such he decided to deceive us with lies of disobedient and infedility. Please tell satan NO, Not Again!! This year is our year of Advancement! We Must Possess Our Possession In The LORD Amen
We are going higher this year, do not put yourself in a vulnerable situation. Be focus and trust your God. Has He Said without bringing it to pass?. Know your right in the Lord and all the packages accrruable to you for All things are working out together good for them that trust God and to them He gave the right to be sons of God. Thanks and remain blessed 🙏. Cheers!! ✍️BlessingOnugha ❤️