Jesus said to those Jews who believed in Him \”If you abide in my word , you are my disciples indeed And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free\”. (John 8:30-31).
And the Jews answered Him and said \”We are Abraham\’s descendants and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can you say you will be made free? Then Jesus said
\”Most assuredly, I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave to sin and a slave does not abide in the house forever. Therefore if the son makes you free you are free indeed\”. (John 8:33-36).
We are in a very difficult time, all over the world what happened to one happened to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11 says I returned and I saw under the sun that \”The race is not to the swift, nor the Battle to the strong Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of skill; But time and chances happen to them all\”.
Things are actually happening and peoples life styles are changing by the day and may remain as such for long time to come. A lot of regulations concerning COVID19 has to be followed and if anybody goes directly against them and fails to observe some precautionary measures you have yourself to blame because CORONAVIRUS is real and it does kill. So get information necessary to equip you and get use to adhering to instructions to avoid blame game and had I known.
\”If you abide in my word , you are my disciples indeed And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free\”. To paraphrase this sentence means if you get yourself enmeshed in the word of God and word of truth, you will not be tossed about with any kind of information rather you will be knowledgeable enough to help yourself and help others in times of irregularities as we are facing now during this COVID19 PANDEMIC.
When the Jews were trying to react to Jesus words, they always had the impression that being the desendant of Abraham they cannever be disadvantaged because Abraham\’s Blessings belonged to them and as such do not have need for any form of help or redemption since all things belonged to them according to the PROMISED; they refused to know that it was earned by Father Abraham not by work but through faith.
Going through this killer virus and it\’s devastating effect on various countries, you may but query the justification of so much waste that have gone in to this novel virus as we are meant to note. For instance those nations who claim to be highly technologically advanced and are the strongest in this world seems to be worse hit, then where lies their super power?.
\”God has spoken once, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God\”. (Psalm 62:11). This is the beginning of the truth we are advised to know.
That \”Jesus approached and, breaking the silence, said to them, All authority (all power of rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me\”. (Matthew 28:18
\”Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches\”. (Jeremiah 9:23).
With the trendings all over the world as far as handling COVID-19 is concerned you see clueless society who actually were just mimicking what they see or hear other nations do thereby exposing her citizens to more danger
They believed that they do not have need to be helped or of redemption like the Jews since they erroneously believed that their survival or their land of promises are assured.
While some nations are sincerely overwhelmed by the magnitude of the outbreak abinitio and adjusted their honest strategies and fought a very good fight of faith, their citizens are better for it.
And to the other nations, it\’s a money spinning ventures, where the smartest are making much money at the expense of their fellow human beings who are very unfortunate to have fallen victim of this deadly plague. Well! Coronavirus has no colour or personality barrier and it\’s real \”But time and chances happen to them all\”.
Recovery is not always easy yet it most be sincere and purposeful. Businesses are badly affected as much as man power, the rate of unemployment has exponentially increased and people dying in their millions all over the world. Nation economy\’s are going to the point of recession if nothing is done by the government to cushion the effect of devastating state.
\”Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary\” (Psalm 107:2).
Thank God those of us who are alive must have to say that we are redeemed from destruction that lays waste at noonday, psalm 91:6 And He delivered us from the snares of the Fowler And from the perilous pestilence. Psalm 91:3.
We must be sensitive to the things of the Lord and be prepared to enjoy the freedom that comes from Jesus Christ our saviour only if we abide in His word, we are free indeed.
The lockdown is going to be relaxed now and the economy has to be reopened. I am sure we have learned enough to encourage others and also enough to know that life style has changed and in all, there has to be a total revaluation and a reorientation of a process both of humanity and environment to avoid another relapse of this demonic plague.
George Bernard Shaw said \”Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything\”.
\”A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven\”. (John 3:27).
Therefore, Abide in Him that He may abide in you as a branch to help you bear much fruits and you shall be replenish of what the canker Worm has destroyed and what the Palmer worm has eaten up.
May you overtake and recover all in Jesus name. Amen 🙏 Cheers!!!
✍️ Blessingonugha ❤️