Unbelief is lack of religious believe, an absence of faith , it is incredulity or skepticism especially in matters of religious Faith. UNBELIEF is not the same with DISBELIEF because the later is inability to believe that something is the case. Unbelief is an absence (or rejection) of belief , unwillingness to believe in the subject matter.
Unbelief is an awesome spiritual force; it is a powerful negative compelling forces that can hinder a positive happenings. In other words we have the capacity through UNBELIEF to “withstood” the power of God from manifesting around us, Yes! This is a spiritual reality. In James 1:6-7 the Bible says. “But he must ask in faith without any doubt, for the one who doubt is like the surf of the sea , driven and tossed by the wind. For the man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord”.
Jesus said to him “If you can believe , all things are possible to him who believes” ( Mark 9:23-24). What Jesus meant here is not that when you ask for a thing, it is automatically obtained. In every thing we want if we think positively towards it we can get it because ANYTHING is Possible when we believe and not doubting. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD.
It is obvious that we can not get everything we pray for just like that as if it is a Magic No!! But with Faith we can have everything we need if we trust in Him and believe in His word without wavering.
“Let us hold fast the profession of our Faith without wavering (Doubting) for he is faithful that promised (Hebrew 10:23).
We are in the 2nd half of the year 2020; oh what a year it has been . A year of Worldwide bomb shell of CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC [Covid-19] Do you know that God keep and saved our lives from the DARK STORM of this Plagues so that we see the end of it for a good testimony.
God is not done with us yet because He has a purpose for making us survive this wind of catastrophe that blows across the entire world. Be thankful to God, still be prayerful and be strong standing on your faith to God without UNBELIEF.
When it seems you are drowning on life’s circumstances and you have prayed, trusted and done all that you think right within your power yet it seem as if 1st half of the year was a bit unfair to all your efforts. Don’t worry, you can still pray again , you can still trust again and you can still believe that your prayers were answered the very 1st day you set out to pray but the prince of PERSIA withstood the answers to your prayers because God does not lie.
Daniel 10:12-13.
12 – Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.
13 – But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
The worse the devil can do is to delay your miracle for a moment but not to deny the hands of God from moving on your behalf.
Be strong and of a good cheers for Jesus Christ has conquered the crises and the evil challenges that limits you.
Jesus could have done greater miracles in Nazareth but He chose not to because of their pride and unbelief as such the miracles he did there was of little effect.
“And because of their unbelief, he couldn’t do any miracles among them except to place His hands on a few sick people and heal them. And Jesus was amazed at their unbelief”. Mark 6:5-6.
Face the 2nd half of this year with confidence and assuring yourself that you will not hinder the flow of abundant miracles and God’s blessings in your life due to unbelief. For this is the confident we should have in God that when we make our supplications to Him , He hears us and since we know that He hears us when we pray , we also know that He will give us what we ask for. 1John 5:13-14
Unbelief hinders prayers and it separates you from God\’s presence so do not doubt only believe that all things are possible with God.
✍️ BlessingOnugha ❤️.
This is a great piece. There is a phrase that is hung up on my wall and it says “Faith it till you make it”… unbelief is something that can hinder one from recognizing hope. If you believe there is a God who says we only need to have faith as little as a mustard seed, you’ll have faith and believe that what you’re asking from God will happen in due time.
“If you will have faith and believe that what you’re asking from God will happen in due time” your faith is great and can move mountain. Thanks