1peter 2:2-4.

2 Like newborn baby you should crave (Thirst for, earnestly desire) the pure (unadulterated) spiritual milk, that by it you may be nurtured and grow unto (completed) salvation

3 Since you have (already) taseted the goodness and kindness of the Lord

4 Come to Him (Then, to that) living stone which men tried and threw away but which is chosen (and) precious in God\’s sight.

When we are hungry and thirsty our physical body will crave for food and water to quench the hungar and thirst This also applied to our spiritual life, when the Spirit of man craves to be fed and nourished it needs spiritual food.

Jesus said that the words He speaks to us can nourish our spirit therefore His words are Spirit and Life. \”It is the spirit that quickened and the flesh profits nothing, the word that I speak unto you they are Spirit and Life\”. (John 6:63) And The word of God is living and active, it quickened by the Holy Spirit and it has dynamic power to impart spiritual life to us. Hebrew 4:12.

In other to grow our spiritual life, we need to soak our hearts in the words of God if we most earnestly desire the pour spiritual milk for nourishment and growth in the things of the Lord.

Literally, the first food a child needs in his earlier months to grow is the mother\’s breast milk or bottle fed with milk to survive as he grows he begins to crave for solid food to sustain his growth and maturity, the milk forms the child\’s basic nutrients.

So is the word of God to babes in Christ, we must drink the word the same way we drink water when we\’re thirsty spiritually. 2 Timothy 3:16 says \”All scripture is given by the inspiration of God and it is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God may be perfect thoroughly furnished into all good works\”.

The Psalmist prayed in Psalm 119:18 \”Open my eyes that I may behold the wonderous things out of the law\”. The word of God is full of wonderous things and it\’s the book of law that contains the instructions of His Commandments. Joshua was instructed to meditate on it day and night not to depart from it therein lies his success. Joshua 1:8.

We are Blessed to see the year 2021, I decree that by mercies of God we must see the end of 2021. We must desire the word of God in all sincerity as it will nourish us to grow into maturity in the grace and knowledge of Christ Jesus Amen. Happy new year 💐

✍️Mrs Blessing I N Onugha ❤️

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