James 1:2-4.

2 My Brothers and Sisters, be very Happy when you are tested in different ways.

3 You know that such testing of your faith produces endurance

4 Endure until your testing is over. Then you will be mature and complete, and you won’t need anything.

James the writer of the book of James knows that man born of a woman most have problems in the journey of his/her life that was why he encouraged us that when such problems comes we should be glad and see it as the testing of our faith. We should not pretend as if there’s no problem or challenges facing Christians or see it as a way of punishment for sins committed against God rather we should see it as a normal phenomena and put up a positive attitude when face with such and also see it as a time of developing our patient and endurance towards set back because he who must wait must be patient.

Consider it as a period of learning and an opportunity for great joy because troubles or hardship may produce an opportunity to begin afresh in a better informed manner. Tough times can also teach us perseverance which is steadfastness in handling issues.

2 Thessalonians 1:5 says “this is evidence of the righteous judgment of God , that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God , for which you are also suffering” (ESV).

When troubles come our way or we find us facing challenges, we should not resent it rather we device a way to overcome by praying to God Almighty to grant us wisdom on how best to get out of that.
2 Corinthians 4:17 “for our present troubles are small and won’t last for long. Yet they produce for us a glory that are vastly outweighs them and last forever”. (NLT)

Our troubles should not diminish our faith in God or cause us to be disillusion rather we should consider it as a time to be closer to God and pay attention probably there may be a purpose for such hardship just for us to learn and show resilience and persevere . It may be an opportunity for God to demonstrate HIS Power over us or an opportunity for us to prove our faith to God is unfailing.

However remember that we do not look on the things that are seen for the things that are seen are temporary while we should concentrate more on the thing that are not seen which is Our Hope in God.

Troubles can help us develop a new attitude towards the way we handle our life issues without making it to be complex by going to God with all humility to inquire.
when Moses was a bit frustrated about the treatment Pharaoh and his Egpytian Warlords meted against the children of Israel. They made them suffered more since he started going to Pharaoh for their release and nothing seems to be done to lighten their punishment.

Exodus 5:22 Moses went back to the LORD and asked, \”Why have you brought this trouble on your people? Why did you send me?
Exodus 5:23 Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak for you, he has treated your people cruelly, and you have done nothing at all to rescue your people.\”

But God answered Moses and assured him How mighty His power is and How He will descend on Pharaoh to destroy him in Exodus 6:1-6

Exodus 6:1 Then the LORD said to Moses, \”Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. I will show him my power, and he will let my people go. I will show him my power, and he will throw them out of his country.\”
Exodus 6:2 God spoke to Moses, \”I am the LORD.
Exodus 6:3 I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as God Almighty, but I didn\’t make myself known to them by my name, the LORD.
Exodus 6:4 I even made a promise to give them Canaan, the land where they lived as foreigners.
Exodus 6:5 Now I have heard the groaning of the Israelites, whom the Egyptians hold in slavery, and I have remembered my promise.
Exodus 6:6 \”Tell the Israelites, \’I am the LORD. I will bring you out from under the oppression of the Egyptians, and I will free you from slavery. I will rescue you with my powerful arm and with mighty acts of judgment.

My brethren at times we are troubled in all sides even after praying for so long and waiting on God for quick action like the Israelites instead it looks as though the problem refuse to shift. Don\’t lose heart for God wants to shake the earth for your sake and publicis you for a greater breakthroughs. Just be patient and do not murmur. Remember, it\’s not over until you win. Hold tenaciously to your faith when troubles come do not move your eyes from trusting God.

To trust is to believe in the reliability, truth, ability and the strength that is in the name of God. The Bible says that God cannot lie, He always keeps His promises and He loves you so much that His word cannot fail. Whatever He says He will do just rely on Him and wait, it shall come to pass Amen.

Thanks as you read and Remain Blessed

✍️ Mrs Blessing I N Onugha ❤️

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