1 Samuel 14:35-39. ESV.
35 And Saul built an altar to the LORD; it was the first altar that he built to the LORD. 36 Then Saul said, \”Let us go down after the Philistines by night and plunder them until the morning light; let us not leave a man of them.\” And they said, \”Do whatever seems good to you.\” But the priest said, \”Let us draw near to God here.\” 37 And Saul inquired of God, \”Shall I go down after the Philistines? Will you give them into the hand of Israel?\” But he did not answer him that day.
38 And Saul said, \”Come here, all you leaders of the people, and know and see how this sin has arisen today.
39 For as the LORD lives who saves Israel, though it be in Jonathan my son, he shall surely die.\” But there was not a man among all the people who answered him. (1 Samuel 14:37, ESV).
Sometimes God remains silent in our communication or dealings with us to show restraint, may be because of misconduct or we are doing something that is not in accordance with his commands or perhaps there’s a temporary sudden rift in our relationship With Him
According to our reading today, after being king for several years Saul decided to built an altar for God for the first time, this as his practice was last resort because he had been referring to other alternative before consulting God in all his affairs in his leadership and this was in sharp contrast to what the priest told him that they must seek God first “Do whatever seems good to you, But the priest said, “Let us draw near to God here”. In his zealousness to defeat the philistines, he took an oath with his armies first against anyone who will eat or taste something before the philistines are defeated. (See 1samuel 14 :24-34)
When God is silent it looks as if His presence also is not available. Trust me; Yes! He may be silent But, His presence is not in doubt because He said “I will be with you always even unto the end of the world” . You need to be still and pray always without fainting because the Bible says “Men ought to pray without faint” As a child of God you probably ought to pray fervently to know the mind of God concerning a thing.
It can be very frustrating when you keep asking and at a time you feel no answer is coming in, it then looks as if things are not moving as if the whole world is silent over your problems and nothing seems to happen. You feel all doors are close against you, my dear is not funny at all that was the same frustration Job found himself one day he cried out “Though, He slay me yet will I hope in Him; yet I will argue my ways to His face” (Job 13:15) Wow what a faith.
Frankly in our Christian life we have to get to the point where we refuse to give in when challenges hit us rather we become very stubborn to that challenges until it gives out. Period! Job became dead to his terrible hardship that he refused to join issues with his 3 friends that came to commiserate with him, instead of comforting him they rather became a thorn on his flesh with their fake presumptions against Job’s many sins. Job maintained his innocence because he believed he was not a godless man therefore it will turn out in his Favour since it may warrant him the opportunity to face God in His presence and present his matters before Him
We should learn to trust God enough to believe that in His silence, He is still very active working out things for us to deliver at the appropriate time. “For the vision is yet for an appointed (Future) time it hurries towards the goal (of fulfillment); it will not fail. Even though it delays wait (patiently) for it, because it will certainly come, it will not delay” (Habakkuk 2:3). AMP.
Another thing is when God is silent It may be your covenant with Him is broken, He may be speaking but people are not paying attention. At times they may not want to accept what He says rather they pursue the course of their own heart. Some cannot hear Him when He speaks because sin has created a barrier between them and God or they have a wrong motive “Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss that ye May consume it upon your lust” (James 4:3)
The shortest way of calling God’s attention when it seems He is silent is through intensive praises . Praises attracts His glory and His presence for His presence showcase His awesomeness and power. No enemy can stand His glory, call upon Him today listen to what He says and watch things turn around for your good. The psalmist prayed in psalm 83:1 “Keep not silence oh God hold not thy peace and be not still oh God” Let it be our prayers any moment we are perturbed that it seems things are not well with us as it looks as though God is keeping silent despite all our human efforts to effect changes in a nagging situation.
You can also carry out some personal check to be sure that his silence may not be as a result of your failure to get yourself in tune with His will and He become silent to test Your penitence level for God heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. In Psalm 51:17 “The sacrifice of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise”.
Thanks for Reading, Remain Blessed
Mrs Blessing I N Onugha ❤️