Psalm 31:18-22. AMP
18. Let the lying lips be silenced, which speak insolently against the [consistently] righteous with pride and contempt.
19. Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear, revere, and worship You, goodness which You have wrought for those who trust and take refuge in You before the sons of men!
20. In the secret place of Your presence You hide them from the plots of men; You keep them secretly in Your pavilion from the strife of tongues.
21. Blessed be the Lord! For He has shown me His marvelous loving favor when I was beset as in a besieged city.
22. As for me, I said in my haste and alarm, I am cut off from before Your eyes. But You heard the voice of my supplications when I cried to You for aid.
The Marvelous kindness of God\’s Love is an inexhaustible subject that defiles description. I can not fathom His wonders from creation to the created we can never say enough of the Marvelous goodness of the Lord. We could praise Him from morning till night, Sing of His praises and say of the wonderful things He has done Yet it still would not be enough to fully expressed the boundless nature of His Marvelous Goodness.
David prayed to God for justice when he was faced with false accusations and persecution from king Saul and he said \”Show Your marvelous lovingkindness by Your right hand,
O You who save those who trust in You
From those who rise up against them\”.
Several bible verses speaks about the wonders of His Love. Human beings again have felt and experienced His numerous kindness, if only man can look back and appreciate the doings of the Lord both in the past and of the Happenings around Now we shall all be grateful to His great faithfulness.
The struggles and negative stories that are too prevalent in our lives can be changed to more positive narratives of what God\’s goodness, the promises of His words in the scriptures have shown abundance of His grace in display.
He rules the earth with truth and grace and makes the Nations prove the glories of His righteous and wonders of which we are all blessed to enjoy the rich blessings His great love gives to us freely no strings attached.
Have you considered the Miracles of sleeping and waking up ? The psalmist says \”I lay down and slept, I woke again for the Lord sustained me\”. (Psalm 3:5). If you think is your alarm clock that wakes you up at such a timing, wait until you place the same Alarm clock besides a dead body.
When I first learnt of waking up by 3- 5AM to commune with God and to meditate on His word, such a wee holy hours are very crucial in a person\’s relationship with God because whatever your supplications are and request to God, He hears, that time also is good because you woke up refreshed with a clearer vision and better ideas in planing your day. I keyed into it and decided to give it a trial because I needed a meaningful and a purposeful SELF Direction.
Waking up at such hour became a very big struggle because already I\’m a late night person, I do most of my personal things at night, at times I go to bed after my midnight prayers yet I was desireous to effect some radical change on certain aspect of my life. I set an alarm for 3AM.
My struggle to get on my toes and be wholeheartedly committed was not as easy as I thought until I prayed to God to send His Holy Spirit to help my inadequacy \”Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God\”. (Romans 8:26-27)NKJV.
After that, my struggles to be at alert by 3AM ceased, honestly few minutes to 3 my spirit is alert already I will start singing praise or worship song in my spirit mind to get awaken to the reality of the moment becomes easy; since then it becomes a habit instead of labour to wake up at 3 AM prayed till 4 AM, then read my Bible or any interesting scriptural book up to 5AM before I plan my day then again I stopped depending on my alarm clock.
Every situation imaginable has an applicable promises from the word of God. Do not lose sight on God\’s faithfulness of His deeds in the past. Trust in Him and believe He can do it again and again even more in the future if we take time off to remember His marvelous ways He answered our prayers in the time past we still must have to call upon Him on any other time of need. \”Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3) KJV.
The word of God is alive and active so let it be your armour, when you use it you will see His Marvelous Goodness \”For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart\” (Hebrew 4:12) NIV.
Be strategic, be intentional when it matters most concerning your relationship with God and man. God has not fail, there is nothing God cannot do. We are in the world, we all must have come across difficult people that may want to drive you nuts as if they were sent to frustrate, anger and exhaust your peace of mind. Never will appreciate you no matter what you do for them always finding fault, very purposeful to disorganized all your efforts, people who are very divisive in nature the scripture says we must note them and avoid them because they causes disaffection and distraction amongst friends or family members. \”I appeal to you, brethren, to be on your guard concerning those who create dissensions and difficulties and cause divisions, in opposition to the doctrine (the teaching) which you have been taught. [I warn you to turn aside from them, to] avoid them. (Romans 16:17) AMP.
Have you been involved in any family or siblings squabble before ? Perhaps you get yourself in a crossfire in a place of petty jealous and envy amongst brethren or friends. If you do not know your God you will be lured to fall at their antics. The Bible says they that know their God shall be strong and do exploit. Daniel 11:32.
Refuse to be moved by their daunting and be strong in the Lord. Determine that No wind of adversity shall be strong enough to pull you out of God\’s Love, I found out that some of those attacks are intentionally carried out to vex your spirit and make you fail out of His Grace and Love. Remain Focus and be determined to be steadfast. Pray that God upholds your foot untill everything comes to an end in your favor, even if its not in your favour, it may not make any difference. Be resolute not to allow yourself to be plucked out of God\’s Loving Kindness.
\”Blessed be the Lord! For He has shown me His marvelous loving favor when I was beset as in a besieged city\”
As we celebrate LOVE 💕 This Week may The Love of God Richly Abounds in Our lives Amen
Remain Blessed As You Read Amen
✍️Mrs Blessing I N Onugha ❤️