Psalm 119:105. NCB
The guiding light of His word , may you walk in the light of His word finding strength, purpose and unshakable peace in it’s pages.
In a world filled with noise and distractions, it’s easy to lose your way but let me remind you of a timeless truth His word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path
Psalm 119:105 beautifully illustrates the power of God’s word to illuminate your journey. Just as a lamp banishes darkness so does the word of God dispel the shadows of confusion and doubt. It provides clarity, direction, and a firm foundation upon which to build your life
Immense your life in the scripture, let it’s wisdom and truth permeates your heart. Allow it to shape your perspective, guide your decision and bring comfort in moments of trial . As you do you will find that God’s word becomes a steadfast companion offering hope and assurance in every season of your life.
Consider the psalmist s word “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” ( Psalm 119:105). This verse furthers the idea that reliance on God’s Word is the only way to successfully live as a Christian. Lamps are used in society to create light for movement and activities during the dark hours. Both the Light and the Lamp are symbolics indicating glows and illumination that brightens up so when there’s rays of light hope comes, Joy and Happiness radiates and if you want to enjoy these things walk in the Light.
Therefore, to walk in the light of God’s word is to obey the word of God, do His will, be obedient to His instructions, and not be dominated by the flesh (sin). “If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
Your word is like a lamp for my feet
and a light for my path..
Blessing Onugha ❤️