2 corinthains 10:3-4. (GNB).

3 \”It is true that we live in the world but we do not fight from worldly motives.

4 The weapons we use to fight in our fight are not the world\’s weapons but God\’s powerful weapons; which we use to destroy every strongholds, we destroy false arguments\”.

Spiritual warfare is the Christian concept of fighting against the works of the enemies or the evil forces. It is a biblical injunction that says we are wrestling against principalities and the powers of the wicked in high places and of the forces of darkness of this world …..

As Christians, we should understand that we are in one battle or the other every day and each battle has it\’s own degree of intensity for different reasons and varying interest.

We need to know who are our enemies for the bible says not to be ignorant of the devices of satan. Satan has not changed any bit, still the same old lucifer who alway uses the same old tricks and tactics in getting people\’s attention. The same old fox that Paul talked about in 2corinthains 2:11

\”Lest satan should take advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices\”.

The devil has devices of attacking an unsuspected victim mostly in the spiritual realm and one of such devices is in our mind set, or beliefs. Some Christians do not see anything as spiritual warfare even when the product of the manifestations of spiritual attacks are being displayed in the result of what possibly is beyond man\’s explanation with physical know how. Yet instead of wrestling according to the word of God \”…..wrestling not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers….\” rather we will be resting believing that it is the will of God while we are ignorant of God\’s provisions for us in the book of 2peter 1:3

\”Seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glorious excellence\”. (NASB).

Jesus Christ, when He was in the world equally fought His battles through spiritual warfare and He conquered the world and encouraged us to \”Occupy till He comes….\” This means we shall take charge and be responsive to our environment and what happens around us.

However whether we want to accept it or not based on conviction, beliefs due to our attitude we are in a spiritual battles with some sort of unseen enemies, we will either be a victim or a victor.

Since Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross of Calvary and there He said it is finished, meaning He had fought all the battles and won, He conquered the world and came out victoriously then the remaining battles He left for you to emerge victoriously too only if you know how to achieve victory in His name for the weapon you must relay on is not hand made kind of weapon nor is it a battle you will trust on your own abilities rather you most arm yourself with the weapon that comes from the word of God which is even very powerful to melt down your own opinion or argument or your self calculated devices.

If you do not know the kind of weapon desired of you \”Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, But shun profane and vain babblings for they will increase unto more ungodliness\” (2 Timothy 2:15).

For us to destroy every false arguments or to be in control of our own thoughts and imagination means guiding our heart diligently for in it lies issues of life. We have to be mindful of our beliefs, we must shun wrong thinking and rather use that time to honour God in praises and in thoughts that will edify Him.

We should not joke with our prayer life you most be fervent in prayers, praying without ceasing. Learn to pray through, do not wait until you get into trouble before you pray, do it yourself because God said whatever He has heard you say, He shall grant unto you, stop hiring people who do not feel it directly the way you feel it so pray and fast for yourself. Is the sick that needs the services of physicians. Learn to make out a good quality time with your God and develop a serious relationship with Him, get closer to God and have a sonship attribute for you to begin to enjoy His presence daily in yourlife. I pray that you get impacted with the word of God as you read please be wise in decision making and always look up to God. Thanks And Remain Blessed . Cheers! ✍️ Blessing I N Onugha.

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