Exodus 3:14. KJV.
14 And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you.
God speaking to Moses out of a burning bush, He gave Himself a name that was not know by our patriarchs… Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was known by them as \”JEHOVAH OR YAHWEH\”
\”I will become what I choose to become\”, \”I am what I am\”, \”I will be what I will be\”, \”I create what(ever) I create\”, or \”I am the Existing One\” …
God is great \”I AM\” ; The Eternal, Self Existing One. He has always been and Will always be. He depends on nothing and on No One; and He Never Changes in His essential Nature and Being. He is not limited by time or circumstances. He is not the \”I WAS\” Or \”I Will BE\” Personality, He is always the I AM.
Perhaps your life has been anything but stable, May be your circumstances have seen many Ups And Downs, Backwards And Forwards, or you probably most have gone through regrets upon regrets of the past or going through several worries about the future because of the blink look of the present
If yes you are like every other person, None of us controls our own life or circumstances or surroundings. All of us in one way or another must have suffered Betrayals, Heartbreaks, Disappointments but God remains the same He does not change.
Because God do not change gives us a sort of relief and comfort that we must come to the ROCK that can\’t change but remains the same. He is not only Unchanging God in the midst of a constantly changing world, He remains faithful and trust Worthy. He is inviting you to build your Life, Love and trust in that SOliD ROCK with a Stable Characteristics and Goodness that cannot fail.
\”Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also\”, Matthew 6:21. “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bring forth evil things” Matthew 12:35
My heavenly father, Thank You for being the same in all circumstances and thank you for you are God by yourself and can not change. Please help us to be faithful also help us to put our focus on you and to do the right thing in Jesus name Amen
On what is your hope and future built on? Where\’s your foundation laid upon? Is it on this fast decaying unstable world. Look Unto Him the Author and Finisher of Our Faith.